
HEROES Spotlight: Ariane Resnick


Ariane Resnick is a special diet chef and certified nutritionist who specializes in developing accessible, organic, farm-to-table recipes from whole food ingredients. She has cooked for celebrities such as P!nk and Gwenyth Paltrow; as well as having been featured in Cosmopolitan, CBS’ The Doctors, ABC News, Forbes, Shape, Star, Huffington Post, Refinery 29, Men’s Fitness, and Food Network’s “Chopped.” She is also the author of two Amazon #1 best selling cookbooks, “The Bone Broth Miracle” and “The Thinking Girl’s Guide to Drinking.”

Where were you born and raised? How did your childhood introduce you to your passions?

I was brought up in rural Massachusetts until my family moved to California when I was a teenager. My mom ran a co-op out of our basement and made all of our food, so that set a strong foundation for me. My parents are (and were) very holistic so my upbringing was informed hugely by that.

ariane at the beach

When did you first get started cooking and when did you first start seeing food as medicine?

I had my first chef job at age 19, and no matter how long away from kitchens I spent after, I always landed back in one. I knew of food as a tool for healing because my childhood had had that as a focal point, but I gained first hand experience with it when I dealt with two different chronic illnesses in my 30s, both of which I healed without Western meds.

You have a significant reputation with some of the world's most recognizable media outlets, business and celebrities. How do you always maintain creative control and continue to innovate and refine your craft?

I’m a human beyond anything else; I’ve been privileged to see how becoming known can change people, and have made a conscious effort to remain authentic as my personal brand has grown. I only work with people and companies I’m excited and passionate about, because I think consumers can sense that.

ariane in chef mode

It is known that you have had Lyme Disease. Talk to us a bit about that might have happened and how controlling your nutrition and including holistic treatments has led you to a high quality life.

Lyme is the result of a tick or mosquito bite. I didn’t heal it purely with nutrition — it was an assortment of holistic modalities that cured it. I was very intuitive about which I chose, and since I was so public about that, it led to others coming to me for advice. I gear people into choosing what feels most right for them in treatments, rather than suggesting what they do based on what ailment they have. I’m a big believer that illness is an opportunity for you to get to know your body better and to get more in touch with it.

ariane juicing

Most people enjoy cooking, but have significant difficulty cooking nutritiously. What are some basic pieces of advice that you can provide for those who enjoy simple creations, but can’t seem to avoid the unhealthy options?

It’s all about adding rather than subtracting, and making small changes. Swap out one unhealthy food item for a healthy food item you know you enjoy, and when your schedule has become acclimated to that, choose a second one. I think going “whole hog” and trying to overhaul your life is a terrible idea, as it rarely leads to success. The last thing we need is to feel like a failure! Congratulate yourself for every small positive change, and you’ll find yourself making more of them.

ariane on the doctors

As a best selling author, you are no stranger to the power of effective communication. How are you able to explore your expertise and digest it into an enjoyable reading experience, ultimately resulting in a 2X - Amazon Best Selling Author with "The Bone Broth Miracle," and "The Thinking Girl’s Guide to Drinking"?

Writing, like cooking, has always been second nature to me. I have no formal culinary training, and while I do have a writing degree, it’s in creative writing/poetry. I’m incredibly fortunate to have turned my hobbies into my career, and that was mostly the result of a lot of meditation and intention setting to let the world guide me in the direction where I’d be most helpful. I didn’t plan any of this, and I’ve never sought out work, or advertised. When you find your purpose, the universe helps line things up for you. That’s the best explanation I can give, kooky as it sounds.

ariane making a salad

In your expertise, how do the ingredients we use and consume affect the environment? What are some essential things for the public to be aware of when thinking about their own food consumption in and out of their home?

We desperately need to find a balance between consuming the most healthful foods and the most sustainable ones. The best example of that is quinoa; our consumption of it has made it unaffordable for the residents of the Andes for whom it was a main staple. Yes, it’s nutritious, and yes, it tastes good, but did we really need to harm a culture to have a new food in our culinary lexicon? I’m wary of many foreign superfoods for this reason. Do some research before delving right into the next food trend to see how the production of the food affects both the environment and the indigenous cultures growing it.

ariane at event

Is there an obvious connection between food consumption and environmental sustainability?

At this point, most of what we eat comes from packages, so sadly there isn’t an obvious connection. One exists, of course, but it can be hard to recognize and takes a lot of conscious thought and research to discover.

ariane giving a presentation

Where can people find you, follow you, and get in touch?

My website is ArianeCooks.com, and my social handles are:

Insta: @chef_ariane

Twitter: @ArianeResnick

FB: Ariane Resnick

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