
Crowdsourcing Education : Building a Serverless Stack Overflow for Students Learning at Home


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Building a Serverless Stack Overflow for Students Learning at Home.

At the height of the pandemic in April 2020, as we watched the New York City Department of Education turn to an entirely remote learning environment, we saw an opportunity. Create a web-based, subscription-based software, where students could crowdsource their education. Breaking the barriers a classroom presents, by giving students from all over the world, the opportunity to connect with educators from all over the world. AMAZING IDEA....

The interesting part of the StudyVue product, which is still alive and well today, is the logic and framework used to create the experience.

Study  Vue logic

In a June 2020 publication, Cause of a Kind CTO, Mike Rispoli caught up with dev.to to give them the details of this approach.

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