Beyond The MVP and Exploring Minimum Marketable, Buyable, Sellable, and Launchable Products
In the realm of startup and product development, the concept of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) has become a cornerstone. However, as the landscape evolves and the focus shifts towards creating products with real market impact, several variations of the MVP have emerged. Today, we'll explore these variations - the Minimum Marketable Product (MMP), Minimum Buyable Product (MBP), Minimum Sellable Product (MSP), and Minimum Launchable Product (MLP) - and delve into what each entails in the journey of building a successful software startup.
Everyone has heard of the Minumum Viable Product (MVP) which serves as a tool for learning and experimentation, helping startups and businesses validate their ideas, mitigate risks, and ultimately build successful products that address real market needs. But have you heard about all of the other milestone minimums out there?
Don't worry, neither did I.
Minimum Marketable Product (MMP):
While an MVP focuses on the bare minimum features to validate a product idea, an MMP takes it a step further. An MMP includes additional features and polish beyond what is strictly necessary for viability, aiming to attract early adopters and generate initial traction. This version of the product is designed not just to function but to shine in the eyes of potential customers, thereby enhancing its marketability from the outset.
Minimum Buyable Product (MBP):
An MBP goes beyond mere marketability; it is designed with the intention of being directly purchasable by customers. Unlike an MVP, which might offer a free trial or rely on indirect monetization strategies, an MBP is positioned to convert interested users into paying customers. It includes not only the essential features but also those that incentivize users to make a purchase, such as premium features or enhanced capabilities.
Minimum Sellable Product (MSP):
Similar to an MBP, an MSP focuses on driving sales but with a broader perspective. An MSP isn't just about making a one-time sale; it's about establishing a sustainable revenue stream. This version of the product not only emphasizes the initial purchase but also considers factors like customer retention, upselling opportunities, and long-term profitability. It's about building a product that not only sells once but keeps customers coming back for more.
Minimum Launchable Product (MLP):
An MLP represents the culmination of efforts to create a product ready for a full-scale launch. It encompasses all the necessary features, polish, and infrastructure required for a successful market entry. Unlike an MVP, which might still be in an experimental phase, an MLP is a fully realized product prepared to capture the attention of a broader audience. It's about making a splash in the market and seizing the opportunity for growth from day one.
Debunking the Milestones:
While each of these phases - MMP, MBP, MSP, and MLP - offers valuable insights into product development and market readiness, it's essential not to lose sight of the ultimate goal: creating a product that truly adds value and solves real problems for people. While it's tempting to focus solely on reaching these milestones, success in the startup world ultimately hinges on building something that customers can't live without.
This is our north star at the Cause of a Kind Startup Igniter. "Does this idea solve a real pain point for customers?"
As entrepreneurs and product developers, our primary focus should always be on creating solutions that address genuine pain points and deliver meaningful value to users. While concepts like MMP, MBP, MSP, and MLP provide useful frameworks for guiding our journey, they are merely waypoints along the path to success. So let's shift our focus from meeting arbitrary milestones to building something truly remarkable - something with a painkiller effect that people can't imagine living without.
As you embark on your startup journey or continue to refine your product, remember to prioritize value creation above all else. Build something that solves a real problem, delights your users, and keeps them coming back for more. Let's move beyond the buzzwords and hype and focus on what truly matters - building products that make a difference in the lives of our customers.